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about me

In 2010 I was advised to avoid gluten all-together and that this would be an important step towards better health. This worked for some time, but the symptoms returned in a painful way. At that time, I was helping my son bake items for the Farmer's Markets which meant that gluten was basically everywhere in our home, even though I was not eating it. As a result, we had to rid our home of gluten in every way we could.
I have been on a healing journey ever since then, working to help myself, and my family find foods and creating recipes that we enjoy and which would support our health at the same time. This has led to an experimentation with many different foods, using basic ingredients in unusual ways, learning how to perfect methods and coming up with new ideas
to prepare and present them. It's been an amazing, eye opening adventure so far, with only a few kitchen messes to clean up along the way!
My goal is to help others figure out food substitutions and how to prepare them so that they don't feel so limited and can enjoy their meals again.
My other two passions are drawing and photography. I really enjoy illustrating books for Chance Hansen as well as capturing the inspiring beauty that is all around us.

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