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Welcome to Allergies Bite But Taste Good

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I never thought we would put together an Allergies Bite website but we did, only a year plus, past our date of wanting it to launch, but I am happy with how it has turned out. Thanks to Chance for helping me out and figuring out how to fix all my mistakes and adding pages that I didn’t know how to. Ok here we go!

Welcome to Write Bites.

I am not a writer so Chance will be helping me put my thoughts down on paper. The main thing I have wanted to do when we started talking about Allergies Bite was to help people find ways around foods that were making them sick. So many times I felt lost as the “normal” foods I was eating or feeding Chance turned out to be the ones that were making us sick, and causing my body to have more pain. I was told just about 14 years ago,

"Give up wheat/gluten. Don’t change anything else just do that."

It was tough, but then this food journey has taken me in the direction of giving up all the food I ate except for meat, dairy and eggs then my body said, "nope you are not done yet, you have to drop the dairy and eggs."

Eggs had me feeling like I would vomit or get bad stomach pains after eating them. The sign I had for dairy was inflammation, water retention and even itchy skin.

My thinking was, Wow are you serious! Only eating meat, are you crazy? I can’t do that, it isn’t healthy, but doing a strict meat diet made me feel so much better and has turned out to be very healthy for my body. Now I do cheat with coffee and a bit of cream some days which doesn’t seem to affect me. But if and when I go back to eating the foods I did before (not gluten) but everything else fruit, veggies, desserts I feel the difference in my body and my moods. Chance can see the mood changes too. Lol

I 100% believe Yehovah (God) has directed me this way because every change of diet was pointed out to me way before I was ready to make it and as my body started totally rejecting my eating the new way of eating became more apparent but going through all that had me thinking how lost each step made me feel but once I made the step how much better I felt. I started meeting people online and in person who felt as lost as I did, who didn’t know what to do so they did nothing and kept getting sicker. I started working on recipes and learnt a lot during each stage of this dietary journey.

Recipes are now a lot easier to figure out, for the most part, although some are still a struggle to figure out the how to substitute. Most of the recipes are figured out before I even step foot in the kitchen. I will see a picture or someone will mention a regular meal they eat and my mind starts thinking about how to flip it. Whether it is replacing the dairy and or eggs or flipping it to carnivore. My family is forever eating experimental food. Some look good and some are like let’s just get this eaten and move on. lol

In Write Bites I want to talk about food substitutions and the dietary journey I've experienced.

This is not a place for health/medical advice, only for you to understand and take from our personal experiences.

My outlook has change hugely since 2010 but I judge no one on how they eat and try to help every no matter their way of eating. We are all on our own journey in life and what works for one person doesn’t necessarily work for someone else. I don’t push one way or another. Yes, I am Carnivore but Vegans are welcome, it's all about food substitution.

So I hope you find Allergies Bite blogs educational and helpful as well as they make you smile or even giggle.

Thank you for reading this and talk to you next time.



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